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Language help with vets in Europe

Your first encounter when you visit a foreign vets is the receptionist/nurse who may not speak any English. This page is designed to help you with booking an appointment 24 hours before you have to return back to Britain and explain what the British Regulations require. Just print off the language section you need and hand it to the Vet's receptionist with the dates and times filled in by hand.  

Pet Travel Scheme logoPet Travel Scheme logoPet Travel Scheme logoPet Travel Scheme logoPet Travel Scheme logoPet Travel Scheme logoPet Travel Scheme logo

I would like to make an appointment to see the vet on .......................(date) ...............(time).
I am returning to Britain with my cat/dog/ferret and the British regulations require it to be treated for ticks and tapeworm between 24 and 48 hours before departure. The treatment has to be recorded in its pet passport. My pet is micro chipped. That number also has to be recorded.

Je voudrais prendre rendez-vous avec le vétérinaire le  ........................(date) à............(heure).
Je retourne en Grande-Bretagne avec mon chat/chien/furet et la loi britannique exige qu’il soit traité contre les tiques et les vers dans un delai precis – 24 heures au moins et 48 heures au plus – avant l’embarquement.

Querria tener una cita con el veterinario el dia   ........................(date) a las............(horas).
Tengo que volver a Gran Brrtaña con mi gato/perro/hurón y las normas Británicas exigen que sea tratado contra las garrapatas y la tenia entre unas 24 y 48 horas antes de la salida. Este tratamiento tiene que ser anotado en el pasaporte del animal. Mi animal tiene un chip. Ese numero también, tiene que ser anotado.

Ich möchte bitte ein Termin machen, um den Tierarzt am ...............(datum) .........(Zeit). Ich komme nach Großbritannien zurück und bringe meine Katze / Hund / Frettchen mit Britische Regeln machen es erförderlich das mein Tiev für Häckchen und Bandwurm zwischen 24 + 48 Stunden vor Abfahrt behandelt zu werden. Die Behandlung muß in seinem Tievausweis notiert werden. Mein Tier hat ein Mikrochip. Diese nummer muss auch notiert werden.

Passports for Pets working to change the cruel UK Quarantine Rabies Law Passports for Pets working to change the cruel UK Quarantine Rabies Law Passports for Pets working to change the cruel UK Quarantine Rabies Law Passports for Pets working to change the cruel UK Quarantine Rabies Law Passports for Pets working to change the cruel UK Quarantine Rabies Law Passports for Pets working to change the cruel UK Quarantine Rabies Law Passports for Pets working to change the cruel UK Quarantine Rabies Law Passports for Pets working to change the cruel UK Quarantine Rabies Law Passports for Pets working to change the cruel UK Quarantine Rabies Law Passports for Pets working to change the cruel UK Quarantine Rabies Law Passports for Pets working to change the cruel UK Quarantine Rabies Law Passports for Pets working to change the cruel UK Quarantine Rabies Law Passports for Pets working to change the cruel UK Quarantine Rabies Law Passports for Pets working to change the cruel UK Quarantine Rabies Law Passports for Pets working to change the cruel UK Quarantine Rabies Law Passports for Pets working to change the cruel UK Quarantine Rabies Law

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Flat 11, 45 Queen's Gate
London SW7 SHR
Tel: (+44) (0)20 7589 6409
Fax: (+44) (0)20 7589 6403